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Physical and Mental Health

Medical Health


Main issues

- Space and Infrastructure
Deficient hospital structure that does not meet the internal needs. Prison overpopulation and overcrowding.

- Bureaucracy
Administrative bureaucracy incompatible with time and sanitary needs of the inmates, many times even under health care agents’ responsibility.

- Education and training
Insufficient number of professionals, nurses and technicians. They are under a hierarchical organization based on values other than those governing health assistance. Team members’ resignations due to exhaustion of the penitentiary regime. Inappropriate professional and humanitarian training was observed on many penitentiary agents.

Mental Health

Lack of implementation of the Mental Health National Law in the medical practices.
Uncontrolled circulation of psychoactive substances. There is a preference for medicalization over other resources for subjective discomfort. Poor provision of addiction treatment. Inpatient and outpatient treatments are disarticulated, and there is no suitably qualified staff taking leading positions in the rehabilitation centers for drug addicts.